Live Blood Cell Analysis

Live Blood Cell Analysis (LBA) is an alternative medical examination and an established science using the latest technology to examine the health of your blood cells. Routinely utilized by holistic professionals LBA, as a specified form of microscopy observation, provides the analyst with an insightful view of the biological terrain.

Analysis is observed through a drop of dried or fresh blood. When assessed together, one can monitor metabolic function or dysfunction, thereby taking the guesswork out of determining diet effectiveness and the selection of appropriate supplementation.

Remember that "to prevent is not to regret". Knowing how you are at this moment is learning to accept a reality.

Can we diagnose and prescribe medication?

No to both. These analyses are intended to provide additional information to your health. It is NOT used to diagnose diseases or ailments and you should always seek the advice of a professional medical doctor.

How much does it cost?

All analysis sessions cost CAD $150.

How does this work?

Showing form and function of red, white blood cells and plasma. A typical session focuses on 3 different blood test designed to look at past, current and pending conditions. This type or pinpoint screening provides a precise direction to improving diet and supplemental regiments. 

The Process Will Look Like This:

What can just ONE drop of blood reveal?

Under the microscope we can see patterns of disorganization and can begin to correlate those patterns to potential health challenges in the body. A Hem view lends to a general nutritional analysis. A dark-field view lends its information to recognizing potentially present diseases. 

Just one drop can reveal in the bloodstream:

Since our blood is also a medium for detoxification, we can see immediately how well it delivers cellular waste to the liver and kidneys for disposal.

Is this safe for everyone?

Yes. Though we would be hesitant to apply this form of treatment on young children because of how quickly their bodies change, we recommend it for anyone over the age of 12 years old.

What conditions may appear in this test?


Adrenal stress and fatigue

Alcohol induced challenges

Arthritis and other auto-immune diseases

Asthma, emphysema and other chronic lung conditions


Candida, yeast balance and fungus formation

Diabetes type 1 and 2

Digestive efficiency, IBS, food metabolism

Environmental sensitivities


Free radical Oxidation

High blood pressure

Hormonal challenges

Kidney disorders

Liver challenges


Nutrition deficiencies and cholesterol


Parasite levels


Thyroid Problems


Vitamin and mineral deficiencies

Q: Does my insurance cover this service?

A: No, at this time there are no insurance companies that cover this service.

Our bodies has the natural ability to heal itself with your help and understanding and Live Blood analysis allows you to see your internal environment to identify and target deficiencies you can correct with changes in nutrition and lifestyle.