
Iris - Sclera - Pupil

The practice of iridology is a non-invasive alternative medicine technique whose proponents claim that the patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the eye can be examined to assist with the determination of a person's systemic health. Examination may be of the iris, the sclera, or the pupil alone and combined. 

Although this study seems magical, they are based upon solid principles, as the fibres of the iris are sensitive to the changing vibrations of these tissues and organs. This is truly space age medicine.

Iridology (iris)

CAD $ 100 per session

The practice of examining the iris for discolorations and markings in order to help determine possible health problems they might indicate.

Why do an Iridology Assessment?

The eyes hold an invisible yet revealing map of your present reality that is embodied in the iris of your eyes such as:

The iris reveals the Coding of the system through the individual fibers of the iris. There are an uncountable number of these fibers present that can mean a lot to each person it is made up of various combination of fibrous.

Iris analysis can uncover hereditary prepositions to degenerative conditions and early pathogenesis decades before symptoms occur or diagnostic testing may reveal. Thus, it is a valuable asset for preventive healthcare. 

How do you do an examination of the iris?

All it takes to get started are labelled clear, close-up photos of your eyes from top-to-bottom, left-to-right, and over-and-under. These photos will then be used alongside our specialized equipment and microcomputer reading.

Will I receive a report of what's found?

Yes. At your appointment we will go through the results of the assessment, fine-tuning the analysis to your current lived experiences. You will be going home with your report, sent via email as a protected electronic file. For a small extra fee we also have the option of providing it to you on a flash key to keep for your future use.

Sclerology (sclera)

CAD $ 100 per session

The study of the whites of the eyes, interpreting its red lines, colourations, and markings in the sclera as they relate to a person's health.

Why do a Sclerology assessment?

This is an advanced extension of iridology. The red lines (veins) correspond to real conditions within the body, presenting innate registrations of high stresses, inflammations, and congestions. 

Their size, shape, configuration, shading and various other aspects describe health qualities. Sclerology shows pathology; thus, it can be said that the eye is a reflex, or window into the bioenergetics of the physical body and/or a person's deep emotions.

How do you do a Sclerology assessment?

Seeing that this modality is an extension of Iridology, we start the same way as we would with an Iridology assessment - all it takes to get started are labelled clear, close-up photos of your eyes from top-to-bottom, left-to-right, and over-and-under. These photos will then be used alongside our specialized equipment and microcomputer reading.

Will I receive a report of what's found?

Yes. At your appointment we will go through the results of the assessment, fine-tuning the analysis to your current lived experiences. You will be going home with your report, sent via email as a protected electronic file. For a small extra fee we also have the option of providing it to you on a flash key to keep for your future use.


CAD $ 0 as it is included in the complete analysis of either Iridology or Sclerology

The pupil’s response to light and environment, its dilation, is a reliable indicator of nervous system activity. 

Q: Is this covered by insurance? 

A: Maybe but most insurance companies do not yet cover this service. Check in with your personal or employer's health insurance plan to confirm. 

Services of Iridology and Sclerology require supplementary photos prior to your assessment. The steps below will assist you with submitting your photos online along with your intake form.

How to take clear, clean photos of your eyes to submit towards your assessment.